About me

 hello so this is a about  Maisie- Lee. l love quiet time . My favourite food is kfc. When I grow up I want to be a police woman. My favourite toy is my Ipad. I am 7 years old and my Dad always wakes me up. I’m not so happy with that!  My favourite movie is Toy story! My favourite book is Don’t tell anyone that’s the name . oh and anyway  so let’s keep on going I am a year 4 I love my teacher she is really nice and she is so fun. 

Thank you for reading my post please lave a comment .

Christmas is around the corner

Task description.

On Christmas morning I woke up very early at 4:12 am I rushed in my parents room with decorations in my hand I said “ help me to  decorate” they said “why it’s so early” I said “now”. So me and  my mom and dad went  downstairs to so we started to decorate in the kitchen and the living room and the bedrooms we were also done but we had to go sopping for. Christmas  close I got a dress my dad got  pants and a shirt my mom got a dress too  so we got dressed in to our close after that we got home. And stuffed turkey for dinner it was finally nighttime so we got ready and eight the after  that stuff turkey we put some carrots and milk and cookies for the reindeers and Santa then we got into bed.

Athletes day

Task description.

Last Friday we had athletes day at school. I was so excited and happy so I went to school with my blue shirt. I got in the school gate and went into my classroom. Then the bell went. I went with the girls in my class and with the girls in room 13. 

We had to go under Te Kapua.  Miss Vaafusuaga said when you hear sirens you have to switch over to another game.


The first game we played was the bouncing game. We had to get into our colours and go one by one. We had to bounce on a ball with a bean bag in our hand. We had to bounce a cone and throw the bean bag.


The next game we had to jump high over a pole. That was the scariest game and gave me a sore ankle. If we made it over we got points, but if we didn’t we had to go back to the line. 


We also had an egg on the spoon game. We had to place the egg on the spoon and walk up and down the girls without dropping it. 


We also had a running race. We had to run 75m. It was very fun but it gave me sore legs because I was running so fast. 


At the end we had to go under age Kapua and we played rob the nest. We had to get in line with a hula hoop. The hoop was full of stuffed animals in it. We had to run to get the stuffed animals and rob the nest. 


After we had lunch we got to play. We then lined up and got our bags. We finished the day by watching a movie in class and dancing. Then the bell rang and we had to go back home. 


Task description.

Tonight I heard fireworks I was so excited so I got up  and rolled outside to see the fireworks the fireworks were so beautiful but it was too chilly and dim  so I went back inside and got in my bed and went back to sleep but I didn’t sleep very well because the fireworks were so loud so I went under my blanket and played on my iPad finally I fell asleep.