The end of the world

Task description.

I was at home with my cousin and my auntie and my cousin was playing on our iPad. We were about to go outside but then my auntie said “don’t go outside“. I asked her “Why?”, she said “because it’s dangerous”. We got so scared and confused we strolled to my cousin’s room. He was talking but then we heard screaming so we looked outside of the window. We saw bombs and people screaming. Then I just remembered that my parents were at work. I got so scared so I called them on my ipad. They didn’t answer so me and my cousin got our stuffed animals and I’ll close 

  1. Then we got up and went to my cousin’s mom. We said come with us now! She said “did you see it!” We said “yes” “come with us to the basement now! Or  else we will die!” So she came with us to the basement. We stayed there for a while then we came out and then we went outside. It was finally finished.

In the weekend

Text description.

In the weekend I was on my phone but then my mom called me to come here I was so confused so I went to my mom then my mom said to me “to get baging” I said why she said “because we are going somewhere”. I was so excited like a puppy so I ran 

To my room then I said “mom I’m ready “ then my mom called my auntie to come and pick us up when my auntie came  she helped us to get our stuff in the car my cousin sky was crying so loud because she didn’t want to leave I was so mad so I gave her my phone then she fell asleep she was so cute so I took my phone back then I fell asleep to then . We were really there so we got our stuff then we said hello to everyone after that I played with my cousins then I went to sleep.

My dog

Today me and the class looked at a photo of a dog. The dog is black and white with a  black nose. It was so cute. I loved it. 


My friend also said it was so cute. Its name was Mr Carlito. He was in the grass and the flowers. The flowers were dandelions and dandelions are my favourite.


The dog in the photo looks sad. I think he is sad because he lost his owner.